este es otro

este es el otro sitio ok ahora las novedades estas son pues he  encontrado que el cerebro humano funciona exactamente como una computadora , ahora bien como funciona una computadora ,pues no lo se  de el mismo modo no se como funciona el cerebro , pero espera si se como funciona la internet , esta funciona con links , entonces tal ves los links que mas usamos son los que podriamos llamar el modelo operativo  de esto , como por ejemplo cuando jusgamos con la inytencion que mas estamos acostumbrados ajusgar , entonces hasta ese extento  podemos conocer mas de como trabaja nuestro sistema de pensar , casi todos , he descubierto jusgan , con mala intencion , y esa es la basica rason de el distanciamiento y mala comunicacion entre asociados y amigos , es decir usamos la buena intencion y buscamos que es lo que le gusta a la persona  solo cuando queremos sacar algun veneficio, , es decir nunca somos sinceros ni con nosotros mismos , y asi bloqueamos  nuestro potencial , pues nosotros estamos dando credito a lo que no deveriamos , y  no nos ponemos a pensar como es que realmente trabaja nuestro sistema de pensar , tenemos tan atrofiado nuestro sistema de jusgar a los demas que simplemente lo usamos ,  para sacar venficio , segun nosotros , o para jusgar con mala intencion , si simplemente nos pusieramos a jusgar con buena intencion a los demas  verimos  como un nuevo modo de pensar vendria a nosotros , seria como su un nuevo sistema operativo estuviera dentro de nustra cabeza para nuestro cerebro ,  saludos

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tu crees

que encuentro el sitio y luego que no lo encuentro esto es lo ma sextraño que e visto bueno con eso te digo todo que los que escribo en este blog es tan raro que no puedo encontrar el blog en el que quiero escribir y cuendo lo encuentro ahora esto como por ejemplo vea esto y luego abalmos ok estoy viendo esto y lo otro y cuando quiero publicar en esto sale lo otro y al final resulta que en lo otro al salir no puedo entrar , mentienden

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lo que las mujeres aman de los hombres son sus defectos. Si tenemos bastante, ellas no perdonan el resto, hasta nuestra inteligencia. Las mujeres piensan sobretodo a su vida de todos los días. Si usted es bastante hábil para despertar la imaginación y los sueños femeninos, entonces puede seducir a muchas. Este programa le indica muchos medios válidos para aprender a formar parte de este círculo restringido de los intrépidos que no temen a las mujeres y que tanto atraen a las más bellas. Pero una mujer no se siente atraida por el hecho de que somos guapos, ella se siente atraida por causa de lo que nuestra belleza le inspira. Si logramos inspirarle emociones similares, si podemos despertar su imaginación y somo capaces de inspirarle incluso cosas que ella no pensaba, sueños que ella no conocía, podemos atraerla hasta más. Al fin y al cabo, el efecto de la belleza dura poco. Si un hombre no tiene también otros puntos a su favor, su sola belleza aburrirá muy pronto. Además, las mujeres aman ser seducidas y galanteadas por hombres verdaderos.El hombre romántico hace acosos a una mujer, es dulce y galante con ella, pero hace todo eso de forma masculina e interesante. El guarda su espacio a menudo y conserva razgos misteriosos e impredecibles. Y se hace desear todas las veces que es necesario. Las mujeres son atraidas por los hombres que las seducen, no por los amigos que las comprenden. Si usted no es otra cosa que un amigo esmerado. Todo es difícil la primera vez que se hace o cuando se ignoran las bases. Pero la dificultad es necesaria para obtener cosas y ganar. La seducción, como toda otra cosa, es un arte. Todo arte posee sus fundamentos, sus bases a aprender. how to date multiple woman here

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The world of politics is rebolving arrown the same themes over and over again all is the same that is rebolting  , i mean it is so basic , the poor people is being used and at the same time victimized a vilify by the elite , that is to sayd the ones that spawn this propaganda machine , it is  so dificult to know the truth among this misdireccion and  misinformation , thanks god for wikileaks and stuuf like that  i like to post this

Fuck the Armywell having said that  and why we said that is because the army is not figthing for the freedom and venefit of we people they are mercenaries being domm down by the machinery of brainwashing in the nations ,, it is so sad and so true that we need peace and that the goberments are preaching peace with the war in theys mind . now the privacy war is going on and to figth this i bring you this link , enjoy it


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true calling

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Ok, guess what…we REALLY don’t want you to miss out on hearing the secret message that’s all about you today. And the fact is, if you walk away from this page without finding out who you really are, you never will.

So here’s what we’re going to do (shhhh…don’t tell a soul). We’re going to just give you access to the full Power Quadrant System – the FULL VERSION, with no catches – for just $1 today. And we’ll even include your free trial membership to the Real Life Legends Club – that you normally can only get with a $17 investment!

All you need to do is throw in a buck to cover our merchant fee (we still have to pay to process a transaction of course) and then if you are as blown away as we think you’ll be by discovering your True Calling, you can repay us for our generosity by sending us a review about how you liked our system. If you can do that, it’ll all be worth it for us in the end.

That way, you get the whole Power Quadrant System for just $1 right now, and never pay a dime more. PLUS you still get your first month free in the Real Life Legends club, so you can listen to the first amazing interviews with Tony Robbins, and all the others, and only decide to keep it (if you really like it) for the discounted $19.95/mo after your full 30 days trial is up…and all we ask is that you send us a review when you get a moment. Fair enough?

Startling Discovery: Ancient Secret Reveals What You Were “Coded” To Do At Birth…

May 5, 2014

From: Ric & Liz, Publishers Healthy Wealthy nWise Magazine

Re: How To Use An Ancient Calendar Secret To Find Your True Calling!

Dear Friend,

Did you know that the knowledge of who you truly are (and which career you could actually get paid to shine like a star at in this lifetime) is no further away than your own DNA – “locked in” at the exact time you were born?

Did you know that this knowledge, which you’ve been carrying around with you in “code form” from birth, only needs to be plugged into a special calendar to
reveal it’s secrets to you in pure form?

Did you know that, for over 1,750 years people used the secret code inside this calendar for deciphering who they were and where their special talents lay – but that this secret code was lost when the Roman calendar was imposed on the “New World”…which is the same one we all use today?

You probably didn’t know all that…but don’t worry. Most of us didn’t!

Why The Missing Code To Your “True Calling”
Has Been Hidden From You Until Now

It’s true…For  years, people used this ancient calendar for everything from determining the best time to plant corn to knowing who they should marry – but then the Spanish came over the ocean in their ships, burning and pillaging, and that’s when the old stone calendar got buried in the earth and the new, Roman calendar was made “the law.”

Believe it or not, this is the very same calendar you now have hanging in your kitchen, which we’ve all been using for the past 2,058 years. This Roman calendar is known as the Julian Calendar (because they named it after Julius Ceasar! No kidding. It’s the truth).

So what’s the problem with this new calendar?

Here’s the problem: It’s got major flaws. You see, not only does it not contain the secret code that people used to unlock their potential in life, but it actually is missing several days (why we have leap years), ignores an entire cycle of the moon going around the earth, and has got the names of the months wrong!

Ever think it’s kind of strange that October comes from “octo” (meaning “eight”) – when it’s actually the 10th month? Well, you’re right! Reason is, when our calendar was first created, the Romans didn’t even count January and February as months. The official year started on March 1st…and there were only ten months!

No wonder things have gotten screwed up…

Including losing the code you needed to use to uncover your true nature in life along with:

  • Who your soul mate could be
  • What career you would shine at (and make the most money doing)
  • Why it’s crucial to know what your kids’ code is too

Of course, you couldn’t have known all this before. Almost nobody does. But the shocking thing is, what this means about discovering your true nature and how it’s been covered up all these years. I’ll explain in a moment (including something pretty creepy involving the number 13). But first, here’s something that is going to make you extremely happy:more here tambien lo tenemos en español aqui

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Attention Parents:


What Your Doctor Hasn’t Told You About Vaccinations Could Put Your Child at Risk for Autism, Asthma, Allergies, Diabetes or Cancer.


Get the facts about vaccine risks
before you take any steps to vaccinate your child!









From the Desk of Tim O’Shea DC

Author and Instructor, Childhood Immunology



Dear Concerned Parent,


Do you have doubts whether vaccines can really protect your child from illness or disease? Do you worry that your child could become autistic, or develop asthma, allergies or even a fatal childhood disease, like Sudden Infant Death syndrome? These are not theories. Millions of American infants have these conditions today. Yet most other countries recommend less than half the vaccines we do.

What you’re about to read may come as a shock. It did for me when I first began to research vaccines and their effect on the body over a decade ago. Hundreds of hours of digging into the medical literature and checking the facts compelled me to speak out.

Much of what I discovered was in conflict with the way most of us are taught to care for our children. Let’s face it — most parents agree to have their newborn child vaccinated and believe it is the right thing to do. It’s what their parents did, and it’s what their doctors recommend. Once they start, the child goes on to receive numerous vaccinations year after year, up through their teens. All the while you, the parent, continue to think you’re doing the right thing.

Well. . .as it turns out, it’s often a mistake.

What you’ll see when you peek behind the curtain of the multi-billion dollar drug and vaccine cartels should scare the life out of you. . .because your child is being put in harm’s way more than you are being told. to see the video click here 

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That is  the voice , some times  we do not like it , but the option not to help is the one of more sufering to the people that are sufering fro the lack ,of everithing, and for the guilty feeling that we felt when we know we have more and we take for granted  more and to see people that are in dire need of everithing ,  i never know how poor  i was until i found people that make it so easly ,  i do not know but i never got that lukly , thats why  i can relate to the  people that is in need , i do not want to have , i want to give  , not because i  do not have but because there is people that need, im not important and i have to do this because  i need to .  by the way there is a new blog , or page or weatheaver you want to call it and is here

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the media

there has to be another way to focus the minds of people on what is important and what is not , for exemple it is not important  what color of the skin is to made prejuddments , to hate there is not a valid exuse , we just has to erase hate of ouw mind and remplace it with love and compation , even to our detractors , because we are not hating in the name of love , or we are not  loving to hate those that hate us , we need to brack the hate cicle , we must to work this out in pur minds and in our society , until there in not a bad intention in uoe behavior and accions, then and only then we can said  im going to construct the kingdom of God with good concience , we are here to take care of each other , not to heate us , or disrecpect us , this is another tragic thing that happens ,and how we can stop  it only when we as a nation have the concience to think that we are all humans , deserving respect and love regardless of ouw situation or depite of it.

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make money

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To you Health

“Free Presentation Reveals 1 Unusual Tip
To Quickly Eliminate Hemorrhoids
In 48 HoursGuaranteed!

Eczema Free Forever
“Professors Predicted I Would Never Cure My Eczema. But Contrarily to their Prediction, I Cured Eczema Easily, Permanently & In Just 3 Days!I’ll Show You How…”
  — Rachel Anderson  


As Seen On TV, YouTube, Yahoo, Google, Live Search,, Revver, Esnips, Podcast Alley, Kewego, Odeo

From The Desk Of: Rachel Anderson
Subject: How To Permanently Eliminate Eczema?
  Rachel Anderson

I remember when I first saw the telltale signs of eczema on my son, Samuel – when he was just 9 years old.

I could’ve cried. Not just because he was itchy, irritable and suffering, but because what would inevitably happen later in his life – just like it did when it happened to me.

“Don’t Get Close to Her – She’s Got a Disease!”

When you’re in grade school, about the only disease you think you could possibly catch is a case of the “cooties” from the opposite sex. But in my case, it was real.

“I had Eczema…”

In the beginning, it cropped up in common places like my elbows and wrists. I could hide behind long sleeves in the winter – but it wasn’t long before summer rolled around and shorts, t-shirts and sandals.

And that’s when you’d hear the whispers. The gossip. The questionable looks from teachers and other parents who wondered if you were getting abused at home for all the red, irritable patches on your skin that looked like someone punched you straight in the face.

“I Didn’t Want My Son to Be Called All Those Awful Names and Silently Endure the Pain I Suffered With for Years”

Names like “Leper”, “Creep” and “Scaly” still ring in the back of my mind like it was yesterday. That’s why, when I started noticing Samuel scratching his back against a door frame, I lifted up his shirt and noticed all the sure-fire signs of eczema:

  • Blotchy red skin
  • Scaly patches with oozing
  • Incredible itching that keeps coming back
  • Skin that would heal and then break out again

As a skin care specialist with a medical background, I wanted to be sure I wasn’t missing something, so I took my son to a dermatologist. It was just as I expected. He sent us home with a bunch of creams and ointments to try.

And I knew the terrible truth:

“All Those Smelly Creams and Remedies Worked – For Awhile…But The Eczema Came Back Even Worse!”

The eczema seemed hell-bent on vengeance for every thick cream and goopy ointment we tried – so I did something I thought I’d never try, but I felt like I owed it to my son to give him a better chance at fighting this condition than I ever had…

“How a Natural Remedy Helped Cure My Son’s Eczema – Permanently!”

I knew from growing up with eczema that the root cause is NOT a skin disease – it’s an issue with the immune system that causes everyday things to make the skin flare up.

So even though I was hopeful that all those greasy creams and ointments would help, I knew the truth — they were just masking the problem.

“Because the problem is INSIDE the body – doesn’t it make sense that the eczema CURE would come from INSIDE the body, too?”

That’s when I called upon my interest in natural healing and herbal remedies to see if I could create something that would help ease my son’s skin irritation, itching and redness.


“I had no idea that these small adjustments would not just completely clear up his eczema – but that they would get rid of it PERMANENTLY! ”

Not only that, but after days of trying these simple changes, my son told me:

. He felt like he had more energy to run and play at school.
. He was doing better in class without being distracted by annoying itching.
. He was calmer, more carefree and funny – just like a child should be!
. He made friends more easily and felt happier overall because people weren’t staring because of his “disease”.

I noticed that trying these changes myself added some more benefits that, at my age, I thought I’d never experience again:

. Greater vitality and energy throughout the day (no more caffeine crashes!)
. Softer, smoother skin – and an end to that dreaded winter itch!
. Better digestion and less of a feeling of “bloating” and fatigue.


“It’s Possible to Rid Yourself of the Irritation and the Embarrassment! You Don’t Have to Live with Eczema Any Longer!”

I’ve wrote down my experience in a new guide called “Eczema Free Forever™”. It contains everything you need to know to clear up eczema – from the inside out!

Plus, these are changes that ANYONE can do — you don’t need to be a doctor or a “nutrition nut”. You just need to have a strong desire to be rid of long-sleeve-loving eczema, once and for all.

But don’t just take my word for it, read for yourself what just some of our many satisfied customers have to say about “Eczema Free Forever™”:

Psoriasis Free For Life™
“Professors Predicted I Would Die With Psoriasis. But Contrarily to their Prediction, I Cured Psoriasis Easily, Permanently & In Just 3 Days.
I’ll Show You!”

  A 15 year psoriasis sufferer myself, I will show you how I cured my psoriasis permanently in just 3 days the natural way and helped thousands of people do the same.

From The Desk Of: Katy Wilson
Subject: How To Permanently Eliminate Psoriasis?
Katy Wilson
Dear Psoriasis Sufferer,

My name is Katy and just like you, I’ve not only endured suffering from psoriasis, but the humiliation and social stigma that comes with it too.


I’m sure I don’t need to tell you about psoriasis symptoms – the maddening itch, the silvery scales that crack and ooze and start the itching cycle all over again. Sure, you can hide it well enough in the winter – but as soon as summertime hits, you dread walking out of your house in long sleeves, because sweating just makes the itching that much worse.

Am I right?

But if you look at me now, you’d never think I was once taunted by horrible nicknames like “Leper” and“Dragon Lady”

So how did I successfully cure psoriasis when all my doctors, specialists and dermatologists told me it couldn’t be done?

“How I Uncovered the Disturbing Secret Cause of Psoriasis That Most Doctors Won’t Tell You”

The truth is, doctors don’t exactly know what causes psoriasis. So they send you off with some allergy medication that makes you too drowsy to do much of anything, or they give you a bunch of smelly creams and sticky ointments that only mask the problem.

Believe me, I must have tried every prescription and over the counter psoriasis cream on the market. I was fed up with the itching and scaly skin and just wanted relief I could count on. That’s when I decided to do some research on my own.

My Shocking “Natural” Discovery That Blew the Lid Off Conventional Psoriasis Treatments

I checked out books on diet and eating, herbal remedies for psoriasis, psoriasis home remedies – everything you could think of. I followed the directions completely and tried some things that I look back on and cringe because they were so outrageous. But let me say again – I was desperate!

Surprisingly, some of the things actually worked. A few points cleared up some very prevalent myths I had always heard about psoriasis (even from my doctors!) I started reading up more on what psoriasis triggers to avoid and how to take steps to avoid those red, patchy breakouts.

In two weeks, I noticed I wasn’t itching as much. The redness and irritation started to disappear and I could actually see my REAL skin again. I couldn’t contain my excitement!

The key to curing psoriasis is this:

“You need to work in harmony with your body’s natural defenses by giving it natural “ammo” to fight this immune system disease!”

In a month, I was free from the grip of psoriasis. I started posting my results on skin care message boards on the web and other people tried my “homemade remedy”. I was hesitant to share it since I wasn’t a doctor or a pharmacist – but their results were just as stunning – like these!


James Thomas

“Psoriasis free for life has been of great help for me throughout this very embarrassing period of my life.

I first found about your guide when I was desperately searching over the internet for a natural remedy. I was thoroughly delighted with the results; the information which is provided is of excellent quality. I would recommend your guide to anyone considering having his or her psoriasis completely cured.”

[View Testimonial Proof]

James Thomas Psoriasis Before & After

Tony Helson

“I have noticed a great improvement after following your instructions for 2 weeks. It keeps me comfortable and has seemed to lighten the redness and inflammation everyday.

I am beginning to see my true skin color in many of the spots which were infected with psoriasis before.

Thank you for giving a comfortable solution to my shameful psoriasis problem. Tony Helson.”

[View Testimonial Proof]

Tony Helson Psoriasis Before & After

Dolores Fenech
New Zealand

“My elbow was in a terrible state and I was dreadfully upset with the remarks from my co-workers. I had tried various psoriasis products including creams and supplements but without success. Your guide is marvelous – it has cleared my psoriasis within a matter of a few weeks – I have recommended your guide to others. My husband had a patch of dermatitis on his hand which would not clear up – he tried your methods and the rash has now gone too!”

[View Testimonial Proof]

Dolores Fenech Psoriasis Before & After

Josephine Whitney
Colorado, USA

“My 20 years old son have been suffering from psoriasis for a few months now, patches just appears on his back. He had tried all sorts of cream. He tried the methods explains in your guide and within days it looked a lot clearer and was completely clear after a few weeks! – Excellent!.”

[View Testimonial Proof]

Josephine's Son Psoriasis Before & After

Costa Rica

“I am writing this mail to let know what a great product you have. I’ve had psoriasis for many years and in that time I have used all kinds of prescription drugs and creams.

Then last month I bought your guide. It really changed my how I look and my entire life. I can wear shorts and experience the things that people with normal skin do. The list goes on and on. So the least I can do is show my gratitude and highly recommend you.”

[View Testimonial Proof]

Henry Psoriasis Before & After

Kella Abbadie

“The improvement in my psoriasis is beyond belief… I must tell you that after 10 years suffering from psoriasis outbreaks, your product is the only one which has cleared my psoriasis completely. You were right when you said that ordinary psoriasis products treat only the symptoms and never address the root cause of it. I have been using creams for all these years to just temporarily cover my condition. I highly recommend your home made remedy to anyone”banner3

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